2005 has started off with a bang in terms of the research we’ve been working on and presenting regarding the Market Street Chinatown! During the first week of January, I (Stacey) traveled to York, England, to present a paper Bryn and I co-authored entitled “Contesting Hollywood’s Chinatowns: An Archaeological Perspective on Early Overseas Chinatowns in Nineteenth Century America”. We received great feedback on it and will be revising it for a book on “Hollywood´s” representations of the past. A draft of our conference presentation will be posted on this website soon, so make sure to check back in a few days for it!
On behalf of Barb, Bryn, and myself, I´d like to thank everyone that attended our Archaeology Workshop held on January 20th at Stanford University´s Archaeology Center. In it, we discussed both the work we´ve done on the project and the work we hope to complete in the upcoming years. We were so pleased with the amazing turnout and the great comments and suggestions we received during the question and answer session.
Featured Artifact and Lab Update
A few weeks after our workshop, Bryn left for China and is quickly becoming fluent in Chinese. He’s enjoying his time in China and sends a big hello to everyone back in the states. I am also pleased to announce that a few new volunteers have been joining Erica and me in the lab. Arana, a first year Ph.D. student in the Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology, and Beth, a volunteer from the Bay Area, have been helping us catalogue glass from Feature 18. They have been a great and welcome help!