Post-Summer Update

This quarter we plan to begin cataloguing the numerous and diverse buttons that were found in the Market Street Chinatown. The large brown button (artifact number 86-36:6A-16) in the bottom right corner of the image reads "N.R. Co. Goodyear's P.T." 1851.

We have finally returned to the lab after a summer of thought-provoking archaeological work at the Presidio. We ended the 2003-2004 year with a visit to History San Jose’s Family Day, where we (Bryn, Liz, and Stacey) were able share a few of the many fascinating artifacts from the Market Street Chinatown Archaeological Project with the public. We are currently in the process of mapping out project goals for the 2004-2005 academic year. Two goals that remain a priority are obtaining outside funding for the project and continuing to catalogue the enormous assemblage of artifacts from the Market Street Chinatown.

Shell button, artifact number 86-36:7-76.

During the 2004-2005 school year, Stacey Camp will be joining Professor Voss as the Market Street Chinatown’s research assistant. Stacey worked with the collection last year as a student in Professor Voss’ lab methods course and wrote a corresponding essay analyzing the spatial relationship between gaming artifacts found in the Market Street Chinatown collection. This year, she plans to continue cataloguing artifacts possibly related to gaming.



Featured Artifact

This year's report is out!

Thanks to the hard work of last year’s research assistants, Liz Clevenger and Bryn Williams, and Professor Voss, the 2003-2004 report is finished! And, as of last Friday, the second annual project progress report has been mailed out. It can be downloaded from this site in .pdf format here.

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